Addressing Health Issues in Our Community
The Men's Club has long been intent on helping to educate members of our community about the health challenges facing older adults as well as highlighting the resources available to meet those challenges. For years that commitment has been reflected through the many health care support groups sponsored or supported by our club. Details of the current support groups are set forth in the box at the right along with contact information for anyone seeking more details.
In recent years, the Club's commitment has expanded:
On the second Monday each month, we sponsor our "Options for Health Choices" seminar in partnership with South Bay Hospital, Tampa General Hospital and Moffit Cancer Center. featuring presentations by local physicians and other health professionals. This event is usually held in Room 3 of SCC Community Hall and takes place from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Starting in 2018, the Club has joined with area hospitals and the South Shore Coalition for Mental Health and Aging to present a Health Information Fair. In 2018 more than 800 area residents strolled through Community Hall to visit with more than 40 exhibitors offering a wide range of health care services to the community.
For more information about our health care programs, contact our Vice President for Health Care, Vicente Lopez. For information about the groups meeting at Sun Towers you may also contact Debbie Caneen at (813) 892-2990.

Hearing Loss Support Group
Meets monthly at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church on the first Wednesday on the month
Diabetes Support Group
Meets monthly on the second Wednesday. If you have been diagnosed with the disease and have questions, join out group
Parkinson's Support Group
Meets at Sun Towers on the 3rd Monday at 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. If you have Parkinson's or are caring for someone who does, this program is for you.
Low Vision Support Group
Meets monthly at Sun Towers on the third Wednesday from 1:30 to 2:30 pm. Learn what assistance there may be for you to maintain your independence if you have low vision
Neuropathy and Pain Management Resource Group
Meets monthly at Sun Towers on the fourth Monday at 1:30 to 2:30 pm. Learn what you can do to reduce pain and discomfort today
Consumer Protection Events
Starting in 2013, the club offered the first of what has become a regular series of programs focused on consumer protection themes. The first program was brought to us by the U.S. Attorney’s Office and was entitled “Too Good to Be True”.
Subsequent programs have been co-sponsored by the Florida Department of Consumer Affairs, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office and the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay and have featured top notch speakers from law enforcement and consumer affairs.
The event is now a regular occurrence each Spring. In fact, our programs have been used as a model by the U.S. Attorney's Office for similar programs held throughout the Middle District of Florida.
Consumer Protection Resources
Deputy Jeff Merry, HCSO Resource Officer for Sun City Center
Seniors vs. Crime, a special project of the Florida Attorney General
Community Resources for Sun City Center
South Shore Coalition on Mental Health and Aging